Why is an Arts-Integrated Education Valuable? - A Parent’s Perspective


This is what parent, Jaime, had to say when she shared her family’s Arts Together story. Arts Together knows the value of an arts-integrated education and the importance of creative expression, whether you are 3 or 63. Hearing a parent’s first-hand account of their family’s time at Arts Together illustrates the importance of these experiences and why the arts matter.  

Keep reading to hear about Jaime’s perspective on her son’s time at Arts Together! 

It’s been amazing watching my son, Jaxon, grow over the past four months at Arts Together. He’s more confident in himself, a better communicator, and more regulated. He’s also excited about learning (every parent's dream, right?) He’s constantly showing me a new dance move, an art technique or a breathing sequence to calm his body that he's learned at school. One morning, he was coloring a picture for a teacher before school and proudly stated, “Mom, I’m an artist” without an ounce of self-doubt or fear.  

Jaxon needs to physically move and use his body. He loves running, jumping, digging, and being outside (all of which happens daily at Arts Together!). In other schools or daycares we’ve attended prior to Arts Together, he’d come home with so much unused energy, which meant hours of additional play for him and me and he struggled to fall asleep. When I pick Jaxon up from AT, he’s tired. He has clearly engaged in the type of play his body needs to feel fulfilled and ultimately more relaxed.  

Jaxon faced some typical challenges transitioning to a new school, however he was greeted with open arms and love. Because of this, he felt safe and accepted, and eventually was able to participate and be himself. As a parent, it's hard to release your children into the world, especially after almost 2 years of a pandemic, but at AT you know your child is safe and cared for.  

My favorite part about AT is that every child is accepted and appreciated for who they are. They are treated with respect, patience and curiosity - on good days and challenging days, which all 3-5 year olds can have! This is my parenting approach and it’s been wonderful to find a school that supports this.  

I love the sense of community I feel at AT. This is something that is very important to me individually and a value I hope to instill in my child. Our overall health depends on feeling a sense of belonging and connection to others - we feel that at AT. 

Additionally, culture and diversity are important to me. I believe that introducing children to differences, and helping them understand these differences, encourages them to feel good about who they are, where they fit in the world, and appreciate diversity in others.  

Art to me, means freedom - freedom to create, freedom to explore, freedom to be. Who deserves this more than children? Children are naturally curious. They're like little sponges, taking in everything around them. Then, trying to sort through it and figure out what it all means, who they are, and how to be a good human. Art provides an avenue for children to do this. It's unavoidable that our children will face stressful and challenging situations in life. Engaging in art-based activities provides children with tools to safely express their emotions and ultimately trust themselves.  

Finally, children, especially young children, deserve a safe space to learn, grow, explore, and most importantly have fun. Through the daily activities Jaxon engages in at AT - dance, drama, obstacle courses, nature exploration, art class and more - he is developing skills that are useful not only for learning, but also for a peaceful and happy life. This is the type of education and learning I want for my child.  

As a single parent with a single income, the tuition was going to be a burden on my budget, but I felt it was worth the sacrifice as my son's health and wellbeing is the most important to me. Before enrolling, I decided to inquire about a scholarship, because what did I have to lose? When I learned this was an opportunity, I was elated! I applied and was accepted. I was, and continue to be, beyond grateful that Jaxon is able to receive the same educational opportunities as other children in our community.  

To learn more about our scholarship program, click the button below!